Tiger of the Week: Tina deVaron ’78



For more than a decade, jazz singer and piano player Tina deVaron ’78 has been writing songs about motherhood and performing them for appreciative audiences of parents and kids. This week, just in time for the holidays, she released a new song about the magic of cookies -- entitled "When is a cookie?" -- along with a music video that shows deVaron doing her best Betty Crocker impersonation. While she admits the story in the video is a bit "off-the-wall," deVaron says there is an underlying statement "about joy, togetherness, and chocolate." In a Web post about making the video, she wrote, "I have rarely had more fun in my life." (The fun shines through -- check out the full video below and read about the project on deVaron's blog.) When she's not baking up new tunes, deVaron plays weekly jazz shows for kids, called Madeline's Tea, on Saturdays and Sundays at the Carlyle in New York City's Bemelmans Bar. Her most recent album is Water Over Stones.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk-pCRhoD3w&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0] You don't need a YouTube video to be the Tiger of the Week (though it does seem to help). Send us your nominee. All alumni qualify. PAW's Tiger of the Week is selected by our staff, with help from readers like you.

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