Headlines from the March 20 Gridiron Club dinner -- a Washington tradition in which reporters spoof the nation's politicians -- highlighted the return of former President Bill Clinton, who delivered stories and one-liners as one of the event's featured speakers. But the club's 125th-anniversary celebration also included key contributions from three Princetonians: from left, David Wiessler ’64, Kathy Kiely ’77, and Todd Purdum ’82.
Weissler, a retired editor from Thomson Reuters, served as the show's music chairman. Kiely, a reporter for USA Today, produced the night's Democratic skit. And Purdum, national editor at Vanity Fair, capped the evening with a musical number called "There is a ’Bama-hood of Man," to the tune of "Brotherhood of Man" from the musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.
Princeton's a cappella scene can claim at least partial credit for molding the musical talents of the alumni journalists -- Purdum was president of the Katzenjammers as an undergraduate. And, as Kiely quipped in an e-mail to PAW, no Whiffenpoof songs were allowed in this year's Gridiron program.
(Photo by Julia Malone)
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