Last fall extensive improvements were made in The Alumni Weekly in the effort to make it of more service to Princeton and Princeton men. Now we want The Weekly to go regularly to every Princeton alumnus. With this object in view, while the regular subscription price is to remain at three dollars, it has been decided to offer the paper to Princeton classes at half price ($1.50 per subscription), provided a class officer delivers to The Weekly at one time a subscription for the entire class, payment being made in advance at $1.50 per subscription. It is hoped that most classes will, through their class organizations, make arrangements to take advantage of this offer. Letters explaining the plan have been sent to all class secretaries, and anyone who wishes to know more should communicate with Whitney Darrow, the business manager. It is hoped that the classes will cooperate with this plan during the summer, so that the new arrangement may start with the first issue of the fall.
The Princeton Publishing Company was originally organized for the management of The Weekly. A few years ago the Princeton University Press was organized, and since then the production of The Weekly has been practically under the control of the University Press. The old organization has therefore become unnecessary. For this reason the directors of the Princeton Publishing Company, at their last meeting, recommended that the stock be retired and that the ownership hereafter rest with the Princeton University Press, which is operated solely in the interests of Princeton. The editorial management will then be under the authority of a committee, the majority of whose members will be appointed by the Graduate Council. This will make The Alumni Weekly more distinctly representative of the alumni, and will also facilitate the business management.
As the 16th year of the University opens on September 22nd, the next date of publication of The Weekly is September 29th.
This was originally published in the June 16, 1915 issue of PAW.
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