The Woodrow Wilson ’79 Collection in the University Library

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By Princeton Alumni Weekly

Published Nov. 5, 1924

1 min read

The first installment of the collection of newspaper clipping relating to the death of President Wilson has been received at the University Library.

The day following Mr. Wilson’s death, the Board of Trustees authorized the Librarian to enter into a contract with a clipping firm in New York, to furnish the press record of his death and the obituaries appearing in American and foreign papers during the succeeding month. This material was to be mounted on folio sheets and bound in volumes.

About fifteen hundred sheets, comprising material for seven volumes, have been received, and about a thousand other sheets are to follow. The mounting of the clippings has been done with much skill and in excellent taste and the record is one of great interest.

During the past summer a group of fifteen Trustees and alumni have contributed over $1,800 as a fund for the purchase by the Library of books relating to President Wilson and memorabilia illustrating his life. It is desired to bring together, aside from all of the printed material, as large a collection as possible of letters and other documents written by the late President, or regarding him. It is realized that his state papers will doubtless remain in Washington, but it is hoped that the Library may obtain originals or photostatic copies of the documents which relate to his career at Princeton.

The Library earnestly requests, therefore, that alumni and friends having in their possession any letter which they are willing to give, to loan, or to permit to be photostated, will communicate with the Librarian. He will be glad to receive also any suggestions regarding the existence of material which should be included and which may be obtained.

Alumni who are interested in this collection and who wish to contribute to the fund are requested to send their check to the Librarian.

A complete bibliography of the writings of President Wilson has already been issued by the Library and copies will be sent to all contributors. The first part, compiled by Harry Clemons in 1913, listed his published writings up to the year 1910; the second, compiled by George Dobbin Brown, those for the years 1910-17; and the last, which was compiled by Howard S. Leach, those of his presidential years.

This was originally published in the November 5, 1924 issue of PAW.

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