Norman Ravitch *62

7 Years Ago

Frankly I am more than...

Frankly, I am more than disgusted with all the political correctness about slavery and Confederate monuments. Before the Declaration of Independence, no one really believed that all men were created equal, and slavery was not considered more than a social practice that could be problematic. Ancient history supported slavery; Aristotle wrote that some were natural-born slaves without specifying who these people were. The Bible, of course, did not in either the Old or the New Testament condemn slavery, and Princeton's Calvinist leaders fully understood that. As for Confederate monuments, we need not emulate the Soviet Encyclopedia, which periodically sent subscribers new versions of certain pages which they were required to substitute for old and now-erroneous ones. Should we really rewrite our past in this way? If we should, then universities and other Christian institutions should recognize the evil they did to Jews for some 1,600 years, resulting finally in the Holocaust. We can sympathize with blacks when they pass a Confederate monument, but why not sympathize with Jews who every time they pass a church, a statue of a saint who specialized in anti-Jewish homilies, etc., or written monuments to vicious anti-Semitism feel pain and sorrow? The Jews suffered much worse atrocities than Afro-Americans and over a much longer period of time. No one ever tried to eliminate every living black person they could get their hands on; quite the contrary, they were desired as workers. Jews were more desired as corpses by WWII Christians than as workers. I have had enough! And I am not a supporter of Donald J. Trump, thank you very much.

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