J. David Hohmann ’88

3 Years Ago

Definitely Among the Best

As this article shows, Frank Von Hippel has been a great example of Princeton in the highest services to humanity and the planet. His Princeton class that I took, entitled WWS 304: Science, Technology and Public Policy (in about 1986, right around the time of Chernobyl) was definitely among my favorites, a real privilege. As much as anything else from my time at P.U., it made a lasting positive impact on my path and life choices.

I believe that such a course should be required now for every science major if we are to find ways to forge a sustainable future through enlightened science and technology practice and policy. For the pace of science advancement continues to snowball, and too many science/tech workers may feel siloed. Our work with technology does not exist in a vacuum, and science related policy decisions large and small have a huge bearing on the kind of world we may inhabit, enhance and pass forward.

Thank you to Professor Von Hippel and to Princeton for elevating these kinds of efforts which are so crucial in the modern era.

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