David Nimick ’46

4 Years Ago

A ‘Lasting Memorial’

Earlier this year, I was gifted a copy of The Best of the PAW, a hard cover book published in 2000.

J.I. Merritt ’66, its editor, along with his selection committee did a splendid job in “compiling articles on the history, culture, and traditions of Princeton University.”

As one alumnus (amongst many, I would think) who does not approve of the recent decision to de-Wilsonize the School of Public and International Affairs, I submit what is printed on Page 223, from a May 9, 1947, article on the naming of the school:

… Top priority has been assigned by Princeton University’s Third Century Fund Committee to the financial objective of an enlarged and strengthened School of Public and International Affairs, which will be named as a lasting memorial to President Woodrow Wilson. …

A “lasting memorial” should be lasting! Princeton trustees should take note!

It worries me that the current taking away/destroying/removing past memorials could be enlarged to removing more memorial statues and plaques, names on sports trophies, buildings et al of men/women who later in life displease some citizens for some reason having nothing to do with his/her name being engraved on the physical item.

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