I couldn’t agree more with Andreas Prindl’s account of the recent men’s basketball games. At one game in 2024, the noise level was so high that my sternum was vibrating, and I became physically ill. I wrote to the director of athletics about my concerns and received absolutely nothing in reply, not even an acknowledgment of the email, though I asked for one.
My husband and I have been season ticket holders to the Tigers’ games for decades, long before our daughter was a student at Princeton. For the past 6-8 years we have had seats up and behind the Tigers’ bench. We do continue to attend the games but not without noise cancelling ear plugs and a decibel meter app on my phone. During the 2024-25 season the average sound level for the duration of the games (think 30 minutes before and after as well as during) was never below 95 decibels and at each game was often above 103. What are we doing to our, and to our children’s, hearing?
I couldn’t agree more with Andreas Prindl’s account of the recent men’s basketball games. At one game in 2024, the noise level was so high that my sternum was vibrating, and I became physically ill. I wrote to the director of athletics about my concerns and received absolutely nothing in reply, not even an acknowledgment of the email, though I asked for one.
My husband and I have been season ticket holders to the Tigers’ games for decades, long before our daughter was a student at Princeton. For the past 6-8 years we have had seats up and behind the Tigers’ bench. We do continue to attend the games but not without noise cancelling ear plugs and a decibel meter app on my phone. During the 2024-25 season the average sound level for the duration of the games (think 30 minutes before and after as well as during) was never below 95 decibels and at each game was often above 103. What are we doing to our, and to our children’s, hearing?