In response to: Across Nassau Street

Cynthia Williams

7 Years Ago

Remembering a Beautiful Childhood

I am a descendant of Elma Lambert and Donald Lambert. With pride I call their names, Aunt Virginia, Aunt Sugie, and hello Penelope. The article brought me back to a beautiful childhood.

As a teen I would commute from Trenton to Princeton to work at the youth center. I also worked washing test tubes for the laser program, at Princeton U., a teen summer program. I was recently in Princeton, and my soul yearned to be young again. This was a wonderful article. Pride up and down John Street. I smile when I think about the black top. Ole folks talked about Princeton with proudness. My great grandmother lived next door to Paul Robeson. My mother says that she would walk pass Einstein’s house and a woman in dark clothes would pass out cookies to kids. As a child I never experienced racism, but I was always told not to wander around Nassau Street.

What a wonderful read.

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