Dave Lewit ’47

3 Months Ago

Room for More Perspectives

I read this PAW article on Mosab Hassan Yousef’s speech, and then Wikipedia’s more in-depth article on him. From the latter I learned that Yousef’s animus toward Hamas was prompted by his witnessing, as an inmate in an Israeli military prison, torture by Hamas prisoners of suspected collaborators. How different was this from the common torture of political prisoners by Israeli guards, apparently not mentioned by Yousef?

Yousef’s conversion to the Zionist side was despite his father’s being a co-founder of Hamas, who had suffered in Israeli prisons and who subsequently disowned his son. Also clear from Wikipedia was Yousef’s becoming a spy for Israel, infiltrating Hamas as a double agent.

As speech sponsor Chabad’s Rabbi Webb told PAW, Yousef’s was a unique perspective. No ordinary Hamas members’ perspectives were discussed. It’s a pity that the more liberal Rabbi Steinlauf’s diversity of observers could not have aired their views immediately after Yousef’s in McCosh 10.

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