In response to: Lives: Lincoln Brower ’53

Anne Pringle s’68

6 Years Ago

A Special Journey with Lincoln Brower

Nine years ago, my husband (Harry Pringle ’68) and I took a Princeton Journeys trip to the sites in Mexico where the monarch butterfly overwinters after its migration south. Lincoln Brower ’53 (“Lives Lived and Lost,” cover stories, Feb. 6) was our guide. 

Aside from all that we learned from Lincoln, we most remember his infectious enthusiasm as we climbed up to the first stand of oyamel fir trees, on which were hanging tens of thousands of monarchs. His palpable excitement was as though this was his very first visit, even though he had been dozens of times before. He was even more excited to show us the sex organs of the monarch and how they mate! From what he learned from Lincoln, Harry is now revered in our small community as a monarch expert and has even given lectures. Thank you, Lincoln, for a memorable experience and one with an afterlife. We think of you every time we see a monarch in our butterfly-friendly gardens.

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