Adrian Anderson ’52
Born and raised in Belfast, Ireland, he apprenticed with an aeronautical-engineering firm there. After completing his apprenticeship with high honors from the Belfast Institute of Technology, he emigrated to the United States and in 1950 entered Princeton as a junior. Andy lived with an uncle in Princeton and knew few classmates outside the aeronautical engineering department.
After graduation, Andy spent his career at the Arnold Engineering Development Center in Tullahoma. He started working with German scientists to evaluate aircraft, missile and space systems in wind tunnels, and flight tests in the early years of aerospace research. Andy worked for the space program beginning with Gemini and continuing to the space shuttle before he retired in 1990.
Andy was an avid golfer and a lover of books and music, especially opera. He enjoyed doing crossword puzzles in ink — the harder, the better.
Andy is survived by his wife, Bettye Jo; three sons, Royce, Des, and Ian; two daughters, Sheelagh Bryan and Leslie Meadows; 12 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren, to all of whom we express deep sympathy.