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Welcome to PAW Book Club, where Princeton alumni and friends read a book together.


Here’s how it works: Four times a year, members read a book — written by an alum or faculty member — and send their questions to the Princeton Alumni Weekly. We ask the author their questions, record the interview, and post it as a podcast. With each new read, PAW randomly selects 25 members to receive a FREE signed copy of the book. 

Join the PAW Book Club Today!

Current Read

By Any Other Name by Jodi Picoult

By Any Other Name 

Jodi Picoult ’87

Two women, centuries apart—one of whom is the real author of Shakespeare’s plays—are forced to hide behind another name to make their voice heard.

Told via dual timelines, By Any Other Name introduces readers to Emilia Bassano, whose work bears not her own name but William Shakespeare’s, and the modern Melina Green, a descendant of Bassano’s. Both are playwrights; both must confront the sexism of a theater world that diminishes the work of women, despite the centuries between them. As fans have come to expect from Picoult, this is a inspiring work of feminist literature inspired by real historical accounts.

Send us your questions by Dec. 15, 2024.

Past Book Club Picks

Intimacies by Katie Kitamura
Get The Picture by Bianca Bosker ’08
Going Infinite by Michael Lewis ’82
The Breakaway by Jennifer Weiner ’91

Explore our past interviews

Questions or Book recommendations?

Reach out to Liz Daugherty at or Carlett Spike

PAW In Print

Sheikh Nawaf al-Sabah ’94 in Kuwait
The Latest Issue

September 2024

Sheikh Nawaf al-Sabah ’94 in Kuwait; Tiger Travels; Why the graduate student union vote failed.