Adrian W. Zorgniotti ’46


DR. ADRIAN ZORGNIOTTI DIED July 6, 1994, in N.Y.C. He had battled for over a year against complications of diabetes. Yet he continued working with his usual enthusiasm on a variety of projects, despite being burdened by amputation of a foot and thrice-weekly dialysis.

Zorn prepared at New York's Riverdale School. In childhood, he decided to become a physician and pursued that career with zeal. He joined the wartime navy and continued accclerated studies at Princeton and Long Island College Medical School. Having promised a roommate that they would graduate together, Adrian actually got his M.D. before returning to accept his Princeton diploma in Feb. 1948. Adrian was always modest, but urologists world­wide knew him as "a brilliant and devoted surgeon who made many pioneering contributions to his field."

At his funeral, friends spoke of Adrian's gifts as a storyteller and writer and his love of fine music. He had received a plaque for his 40 years' service as house physician at the Metropolitan Opera. He wrote many articles and a book about Enrico Caruso that is scheduled for publication later in 1994.

Adrian leaves his widow, Louise; his former wife, Marisa; his children, Flavia, Richard, Alessandra and Arianne; and one grandson. To all of them the class extends its sympathy.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.