Benjamin Franklin Burns ’44


WE LEARNED of Ben's death in late July 1989. He had passed on in Aug. 1986. His last known residence was in Corona Del Mar, Calif. He is survived by a son, Patrick A. Burns, 4097 Hessel Rd., Sebastopol, CA 95472, and a daughter, Heather Bums, address unknown. Ben had not kept current with the Class. His last dues news was in '57 when he reported he had weathered the tough first year of private practice; his office business in Orange Co. was growing nicely and he expected to be among "the regulars" from then on. He found yachting (with a cold beer) far superior to golf. There are those among us who'll agree with that. God bless him.

Ben joined the Class from Mercersburg Academy. He majored in Chemistry; was a member of Triangle and Cloister Inn. He roomed with R B. Claytor freshman year; Logan Boslian and Tom Wolf the next two; and S. A. Burns and Dick Schellenberger '46 as a senior. He entered the V-12 program earning his M.D. in '47. In the Navy he trained in obstetrics and gynecology, working at the Long Beach Naval Hosp. in Calif. His two-year overseas tour was as medical officer aboard the repair ship U.S.S. Hector, then staff medical officer for forces afloat in the Japan/Korea area. Back home he married Charlotte Beverstock in '53, remaining in the Navy until 1955 when he entered private practice.

To his family and friends our belated sympathies and regrets we didn't know him better.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.