Charles Hopkins Reed ’38
THE CLASS AND HIS COMMUNITY lost a man who lived his high principles of equality and brotherhood when Charlie Reed died in his native Bel Air, Md., Feb, 1, 1991.
A graduate of Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Va., he majored in English and belonged to Tower Club. He attended Univ. of Maryland for his law degree. Except for his Navy service during WWII, when he rose to lieutenant; his career was spent in his home county. He probably did more pro bono work than anyone we know, taking on cases for those who could not pay, or causes which, though unpopular the time, were accepted in the end. He never sought the limelight, preferring to work behind the scenes for harmony and justice. He, more than anyone else, brought about the desegregation of his county's schools. He was a voice for peace from the early days of Vietnam to the present His advocacy was gentle, persuasive, and effective, so that those who opposed him gained a high regard for him.
We his classmates honored ourselves when we presented him with out Class Distinguished Service Award in 1989. Charlie is survived by his loving widow, Lois; daughters Susan Walls and Laurie Reed; sons David and Michael; and a sister jean Graybeal and her husband Eugene. With them we rejoice in a life welllived.
The Class of 1938
Paw in print

March 2025
Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.
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