Charles W.H. Dodge ’51 *53


Charlie was raised in Philadelphia, attending Chestnut Hill Academy before graduating from St. Paul’s School. At Princeton he majored in chemical engineering, roomed with Jim Biddle and Barrie Slaymaker, and was a member of Colonial Club, where he was famously remembered for skiing down the front stairs during a postgame party. 

He remained at Princeton for an extra year to earn a master’s degree in chemical engineering. He worked for Monsanto for seven years before joining S.D. Warren Co. as a research chemist and purchasing a 90-acre farm in nearby Gorham, Maine. Warren became the world’s largest manufacturer of plastic-coated paper and, as international sales manager, Charlie traveled throughout the world.

Upon his retirement in 1992 Charlie indulged in his passionate interests in fly-fishing, small-bird hunting, sailing, and skiing. With, Marylee, his wife of 62 years, he cultivated a beautiful garden at their lovely summer home in Rockport and worked for various preservation causes. 

Charlie died April 8, 2021. He is survived by Marylee, four children, and five grandchildren. He will be remembered for his storytelling, his marvelous wit and sense of humor, his love for life and for having a good time, and for his multitude of friends.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s January 2025 issue, featuring an illustration of a Princeton locker room with jerseys, a basketball, a football helmet, a hockey stick, etc., and the headline: 25 Greatest Princeton Athletes, ranked.
The Latest Issue

January 2025

The 25 Greatest Princeton Athletes