Crawford C. Madeira Jr. ’40
Crawf prepared at Episcopal Academy in Philadelphia and St. Paul’s School in Concord, N.H. He was preceded at Princeton by his father, Crawford Sr. ’16, and uncles Joseph Rosengarten 1896 and Frederick Rosengarten 1899. At Princeton, Crawf majored in history, was assistant manager of the varsity hockey team, played varsity squash, and joined Ivy Club.
During World War II, he joined the First Troop of Philadelphia City Cavalry and later served as liaison officer with the Chinese army along the Burma Road. Postwar, he joined Monsanto Chemical Co. and was its European marketing manager in Brussels.
Crawf was a longtime member of Merion Cricket Club and Gulph Mills Golf Club and an accomplished tennis, squash, and golf player. He was active in class and Princeton affairs, drove for Meals on Wheels, volunteered at Lankenau Hospital, and was a communicant of the Church of the Redeemer in Bryn Mawr.
Crawf’s first marriage, to Constance Bradley, ended in divorce. While in Brussels, he met and married Helene de Baubigny, who predeceased him, as did his son, Michael. To his daughters, Constance Clark, Marion Gogolak, and Elizabeth Loring; stepdaughters Mia Homan and Madeleine Blanchard; brothers Lewis and Harry; 14 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren, his classmates extend their deep sympathies.