David E. Locher ’26


DAVE LOCHER, a well-known business leader of Corpus Christi, Tex., died on Dec. 11, 1989, of natural causes at the age of 86. Dave prepared at Exeter and made his numerals at Princeton as a member of the baseball team. He was a member of Cap and Gown, but left college in June 1924 to enter business in Corpus Christi. It was there that Dave became one of the pioneers in air conditioning. He owned and operated Coolidge Locher Co. for 56 years. During these years Dave was a president of the Rotary Club, and a member of the vestry and warden of the Church of the Good Shepherd of Corpus Christi. Dave enjoyed golf and football as played in Texas.

In 1930 Dave married Lulu Lee Caner, a graduate of the Univ. of Texas who died in 1971. A daughter, Ger­trude C. Tate, died in 1986.

Although Dave did not graduate with our Class, he continued as a loyal, supportive member. He had many friends in the Class and will be missed. He is survived by his sons, David C. and Benjamin C.; a daughter, Mary C. Jonason; 13 grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. To all of them we express our sympathy.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.