Donald David Kasarda *61


Don died Feb. 12, 2021, at 87 years of age, in Berkeley, Calif.

He earned his bachelor’s degree at Kings College, a master’s degree at Boston College, and a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Princeton. Following appointments at Bell Laboratories and the University of California San Francisco, he joined the USDA-ARS Western Regional Research Center to study wheat protein structure. 

A dedicated scientist for more than 50 years and a recognized global expert in wheat gluten proteins and celiac disease, Don was the author of more than 100 research publications and review chapters, with nearly 10,000 citations. He received the Thomas Burr Osborne Medal for distinguished contributions in the field of cereal chemistry and, along with Peter Shewry, the Rank Prize in recognition of his work on the molecular characterization of cereal seed storage proteins.

Don found joy in family, woodworking, hiking, and travel. A trip to the ballet or just a good burger with a friend was his perfect evening. 

Don could hardly believe his good fortune when he was accepted into the doctoral program at Princeton University. Rubbing elbows with “Nobel laureates, living in the Ivy-covered graduate housing, not to mention taking meals in the Harry-Potteresque dining hall,” these were all heady experiences for him and ones he was grateful for all his days. 

Don retained his lively brain until his last breath. Predeceased by his wife, Ferne, Don is survived by his daughter Amy and her husband Jean-Briac Perrette, and grandchildren Ansel and Isabelle. 

Graduate alumni memorials are prepared by the APGA.

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