Duncan C. Dobson ’31


FORMER PRESIDENT of the LudlowSaylor Wire Cloth Co. in St. Louis, our classmate Dunc died May 13, 1991, at his retirement home in Vero Beach. At college he was manager of freshman soccer and a member of the gym team. A longtime resident of St. Louis, Dunc served on the boards of the Mercantile Bank, the St. Louis Hospital, and the Muny Opera. Classmates attending a Florida winter reunion remember with pleasure the Sunday brunch at the Dobson home. Dunc is survived by his widow, Mettie; a son, Duncan C. Dobson Jr.; and a daughter, Sally, wife of Sen. John Danforth (RMo.), whose daughter, Johanna '90, attended a '31 spring luncheon year ago. To Mettle and all Dunc's family the Class extends its sympathy.

The Class of l931

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.