Edward A. Zuercher ’48
Ed was born Nov. 11, 1924, in Dayton, Ohio.
He graduated from Princeton in 1947 with an electrical engineering degree. He started college in 1942 at the University of Cincinnati. In 1943, entered the Navy V-12 program at the University of Richmond, and was transferred to V-12 at Princeton in June 1945.
His career-long engineering affiliation was with General Electric, mostly in design and development of electrical appliances. This began at the GE plant in Lynn, Mass. Later he worked at GE operations in Erie, Pa., and Schenectady, N.Y., and finally, for the bulk of his career, at GE Appliance Park in Louisville, Ky., until his retirement in 1980. He then founded and led a consulting firm, Technology Resources, until 1996.
Ed died March 3, 2020, in Louisville at age 93. He is survived by Antoinette (Reid), his wife of 72 years; three sons; a daughter; and seven grandchildren.