Edwin M. McMillan *32


EDWIN MAMSON MCMILLAN *32, age 83, Nobel Laureate physicist, codiscoverer of Element #93 (Neptunium), discoverer of Element #94 (Plutonium), and retired head of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Univ. of Califorma, died Sept. 7, 1991, at his home in El Cerrito, Calif.

Born in 1907 in Redondo Beach, Calif., he earned his bachelor's degree at the California Institute of Technology (Pasadena) and his doctorate at Princeton in 1932. He went to the Univ. of California at Berkeley as National Research Fellow, soon joined the Radiation Laboratory with Ernest 0. Lawrence, and in 1942 left Berkeley to work with J. Robert Oppenheimer on the Manhattan Project. He often questioned the ability of mankind to control the use of the atom bomb. After WWII he returned to Berkeley and continued extensive research efforts. In 1963 he shared the Atoms for Peace award with Soviet physicist V.I. Veksler.

Dr. McMillan is survived by his widow, Elsie Blumer), sisterinlaw of E. 0. Lawrence; a daughter, Ann Chaikin; two sons, David and Stephen; and three

grandchildren. We extend sincere condolences to the MacMillan family.

The Graduate Alumni

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.