Finley Alexander Campbell *58
Finley Campbell died May 26, 2020, at the age of 93. Born in Kenora, Ontario, Canada, he attended Portland University on a hockey scholarship and studied pre-medicine. After returning to Canada to avoid being enlisted in the U.S. military, he continued his education at Brandon University and earned a bachelor’s degree in 1950. He earned a master’s degree in geological sciences from Queens University in 1956 and a Ph.D. in geology from Princeton in 1958.
Fin’s first academic appointment was as an associate professor at the University of Alberta. In 1965 he moved to the University of Calgary where, as vice president of priorities and planning, he helped plan and coordinate the university’s participation in the 1988 Olympics. He retired in 1988 but continued to work on many committees and advisory boards until his early 80s. Throughout his career Fin filled many leadership and executive roles at universities, at professional associations, and in the political community. In 2016 he attended the 50th anniversary of the University of Calgary and was honored as one of its founding professors.
Predeceased by his wife Barbara and son Glen, Fin is survived by son Robert, daughters Laurali and Cheryl, and five grandchildren.
Graduate memorials are prepared by the APGA.