G. Malcolm Laws Jr. ’41


A PROFESSOR EMERITUS of English at the Univ. of Pennsylvania, Malcom died Aug, 1, 1994, in Bryn Mawr Hospital. His wife, Beatrice Elfreth, passed away in 1980.

Malcolm went to Penn Charter School and transferred from Princeton to Penn, where he received his undergraduate and graduate degrees. Then he stayed there to teach for 47 years, helping with Penn's V-7 program during the war.

A distinguished ballad scholar, Malcolm created rhe first system for cataloging American ballads, while he taught courses in 18th- and 19th-century American and British literature. He was an avid collector of rare books and was a member of the Philobiblon Club and the Shakespeare Society. He was an officer of the Union Benevolent Assn. and was active in the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.

Malcolm is survived by daughters Susan Lewis, Katherine, and Elizabeth; a son George M. III; a sister Elizabeth; and two grandchildren. Our deep sympathy goes out to each of them.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.