George Weston Watson III ’37
He was born in New York City and went to Kent (Conn.) School, where he was baseball manager and a member of the glee club. At Princeton he majored in economics and was a member of the Glee Club, the parking squad, and the Refreshment Agency. He was in Key and Seal.
After graduation, West enlisted in the Navy and became a lieutenant. He served on board a submarine chaser in the Caribbean in addition to sailing in the Philippines.
West eventually joined Pacific Mills, a manufacturer of woolen and worsted fabrics. In 1974 the textile industry hit a recession and West joined Stamford (Conn.) Hospital, working in financial planning and fundraising in the development office.
West is survived by his wife, Estelle, whom he married in 1946; a son, Steven; and two daughters, Kathy and Susan. Another son, David, predeceased him. The class sends sincere sympathy and fond remembrances to West’s family and friends.