Henry Easton McMahon ’25
East McMahon died at his home in Southbury, Conn., Apr. 20, 1995. He was born in Brooklyn, Jan. 15, 1902.
He attended Adelphi Academy, was manager of our freshman hockey team, a member of the Glee Club, and leader of the University Band. He was a member of Terrace. He attended N.Y.U. School of Medicine, interned at Bellevue Hospital, and practiced cardiology in Manhattan. He retired in 1969.
In WWII, he served in the Navy, earning the rank of captain. He was asst. medical officer in the Panama Canal Zone and served on several ships in the Pacific. He was a member of several patriotic societies, including the Naval Order of the U.S. (Executive Council) and was the first medical director of the United Nations (Lake Success).
He was president (1955/58) and honorary fellow of the N.Y. Cardiological Society and lectured on heart disease over WNYC Radio. Associated with various hospitals, including St. Clare's and Doctors, he was consulting cardiologist for organizations including Eastern Airlines and American Export Lines and was head of the medical dept. of Pfizer, Inc.
He was a member of the University Club of N.Y.C., the Manhassett Bay Yacht Club, and the Army and Navy Club of Washington, D.C.
In 1937, he married Jacquiline Tompers who died in Dec. 1994. He is survived by two sons, Tom '63 and Jeffrey '66, and five grandchildren.
The Class of 1925
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March 2025
Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.
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