Holt Apgar ’69


Holt died Jan. 5, 2018. He lived in Fairfax Station, Va., with his wife of 45 years, Phebe. He and Phebe met in middle school and shared a wonderful life together.

After attending Friends Academy in Locust Valley, N.Y., Holt graduated from Montclair Academy in New Jersey. At Princeton he majored in history, played varsity soccer, and was an officer of Terrace Club. After graduation he rose to the rank of lieutenant junior-grade in the Navy. Subsequently he served as an assistant to Professor Richard Challener in the Department of History.

After teaching at King’s School, his passion for technology led him to pursue a master’s in computer science, after which he spent a majority of his career as a systems analyst for several defense contractors. He loved traveling, dancing with his daughters any time a band was playing, and exploring museums and the outdoors. His dry sense of humor and his extraordinary memory and intellect were enviably combined with his insatiable curiosity.

Holt is survived by his much-loved wife, Phebe; children Phebe Elizabeth ’00 and Sarah; three grandchildren, Baird, Eloise, and Campbell; mother Helen; brother David; and sister Barbara. His was a life of energy, enthusiasm, and accomplishment.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.