Howard C. Sylvester Jr. ’61
Ward died June 11, 2017, in Los Angeles. His having severed all ties with Princeton years ago, we did not learn of his death until now.
Born in New York City, he came to us from Scotch Plains High School in New Jersey. At Princeton he majored in English literature, ate at Court, was a member of the University Press Club, and was property manager for Triangle. He also was a rock ’n’ roll DJ at WPRB, which foretold his career as a pivotal figure in the career of the Monkees in their live performances and TV series.
Ward worked as a vice president of Columbia Pictures in the early 1960s. His relationship with actor Davy Jones, ultimately leader of the Monkees, led to a career-long involvement with the group as their manager, producer of the TV series, and adviser. That aside, we know nothing of his career and life.
So far as we know, Ward was never in touch with the University or the class. He had no known survivors.