Howard K. Gray Jr. ’50


Howard died May 23, 2016, in Sioux Falls, S.D.

After Choate and banking and finance coursework at New York University, he came to Princeton, where his father was in the Class of 1923. Howdie, as he was known on campus, majored in history and belonged to Terrace.

Howard served as a lieutenant on a destroyer escort during the Korean War, then spent the next 20 years in corporate banking, mostly in the San Francisco area. In 1973, he began what was a 27-year involvement with international development. He started as country director of the Peace Corps in Malawi and then in Sierra Leone. He returned from Africa in 1978 to become executive director of Pathfinder International in Boston.

In 1985, he started his own international consulting practice, focusing on the private sector in the sub-Sahara. In 1997, he took a brief sabbatical from consulting when selected by the State Department to help supervise the Dayton Peace Accord in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and later to monitor the cease-fire in Kosovo.

Howard took his international passion to the classroom, lecturing at high schools and colleges. He moved from Boston to Sioux Falls in later years to be near family.

A sister, nephews, and nieces survive Howard, who never married.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s April, 2025, issue, featuring a photo of three soldiers in World War II uniforms reading PAW.
The Latest Issue

April 2025

PAW turns 125; Gatsby at 100; Princeton Journeys around the world