James Donald Gulick ’35


The class has learned belatedly of Jim's death Sept. 27, 1995. He was 83. He had been a resident of RoseAnna Hughes Presbyterian Home in Louisville, Ky., and had had several operations for serious arthritic problems in his right knee and hip.

Jim majored in civil engineering, having grown up in Scranton, Pa., and prepared for college at Exeter. Ed Carney and Bob Johnston were his roommates, and all were members of Terrace Club.

While living in the Pittsburgh area after college, Jim worked in industrial sales management with several companies, notably Koppers and Culligan. During WWII he was a first lieutenant with the chemical warfare service.

Claire Nussbaum became his wife in 1944; she died in 1995. They had four children, sons Donald and James, and daughters Laurie Beth and Gaye Kerslager. Seven grandchildren and a great-grandchild also survive. The prayer of thanksgiving at Jim's funeral ended with these appropriate words: "Never-flagging faith in you, O Lord, enabled the jaunty courage with which Jim Gulick handled the sometimes cruel limitations of advanced age." The class joins in these sentiments and sends its most sincere condolences.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.