James Roby Green ’66


JAMES ROBY GREEN, gifted teacher and an effective advocate for improving the quality of health care provided to women in the San Francisco area, was taken from us by cancer on Mar. 10, 1993, in San Francisco. He was 48.

At the time of his passing, Jim was acting chief of obstetrics/ gynecology and reproductive sciences at San Francisco General Hospital. He was also associate clinical professor of ob/gyn. Since arriving in 1 977, he campaigned for improvements in the capacity and quality of S.F.G.H.'s obstetric facilities. In Dec. 1992, S.F.G.H. dedicated its new delivery room in his honor. Also during his tenure at S.F.G.H., he established a nursemidwifery service, served as medical director of the program that trained nurse-midwives, and was chief ob/gyn from 1989 to 1990.

Those achievements prompted Jim's widow' April Thompson Green, to remember him in this way. 'Jim worked tirelessly during his entire career to provide the highest quality of teaching to medical students, midwives, and residents and to insure that women of color or for whom English was not their native language received obstetrical care at or above community standards." She also observed that Jim's love, gentleness, and quite wry humor are sorely missed by his entire family.

Jim was born in NYC and prepared for Princeton at the Kent School, from which he was graduated cum laude. At Princeton, he took his meals at Campus Club and majored in biology. His senior thesis, "The Role of Olfaction in Reproduction," foreshadowed his life's work.

In addition to April, Jim is survived by two children, Emily Christine and Christopher James. He is also survived by two sisters, Patricia and Miki. To all of them, the Class of 1966 extends its sympathy.

The Class of 1966

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.