Jeffrey E. Skeer ’78
Jeff died April 3, 2019, from influenza during a lecture trip to India, Ethiopia, and China.
At Princeton he majored in the Woodrow Wilson School, sang in the Glee Club, and was an active member of Charter Club.
Following graduation, Jeff earned a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School and focused his career on energy policy. He served at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Policy in Washington, D.C., the International Energy Agency in Paris, and as a U.S. delegate to the Standing Group on Long-Term Cooperation of the International Energy Agency.
Later working at the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre in Tokyo, Jeff was actively engaged in the launch of the U.S.-E.U. Energy Council. He also served as the U.S. Department of Energy’s delegate to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Energy Working Group and chaired its biofuels task force.
Most recently, Jeff lived in Bonn, Germany, and was senior program officer for technology cooperation at the International Renewable Energy Agency. He authored numerous publications on biofuels, natural gas and oil, hydropower, renewable energy, and global warming. Even though he lived around the world, he was a regular fixture at Reunions, including our 40th.
That is the Jeff that we all knew. We will miss his warmth, positive attitude, ready smile, and quick laugh. Our condolences to his father, Fred; brother Ken; and nephews Benjamin and Zachary.