John E. Scott Jr. *59
John died at age 96 March 16, 2024, in Charlottesville, Va.
Born in 1927, he grew up in Portsmouth, Va., and completed his undergraduate studies at Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1948. He earned his master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue in 1950. With the award of a Guggenheim fellowship, John earned a Ph.D. in aeronautical engineering at Princeton in 1959.
At the request of University of Virginia President Colgate Darden, John came to UVA to initiate a program in aeronautical engineering. In a career that spanned four decades, he was instrumental in recruiting students and faculty and creating an engineering, science, and research department at UVA.
John’s expertise was in the field of rarefied gas dynamics, jet propulsion, nozzle-formed molecular beam, and isotope separation. He served twice as chairman of the department and directed three major research programs. His last administrative job was associate provost for research.
Predeceased by his daughter, Mary Dean, John is survived by his wife, Betty; his children Carolyn, John III, and Andrew; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
Graduate alumni memorials are prepared by the APGA.