John H. Dowell ’64


    John died Feb. 14, 2023, at home in San Francisco of prostate cancer.

He was born in New York City, and after several moves, his family settled in St. Joseph, Mo., where he attended St. Joseph High School. He graduated as class valedictorian, served in student government, and played tennis. Both his father and older brother were Princetonians. At Princeton, John majored in history, ate at Tower, emceed a folk music show on WPRB, managed the Student Shirt Agency, and joined the Pre-Law Society.

Following Princeton and a brief stint at Harvard Law School, which convinced John that a legal profession was not for him, he spent three years as a lieutenant in the Navy Supply Corps, stationed principally in Taiwan and then New York City. He enjoyed his Navy service and recalled that “over time I realized it rivalled Princeton as a personal development experience.”

Attending Stanford Business School, he met Sheila, his wife of more than 53 years. A 30-year career with McKinsey & Co. followed, based in San Francisco but leading to many interesting foreign postings such as Japan, Tanzania, Amsterdam, Paris, Saudi Arabia, and India.

In retirement, John and Sheila split their time between their homes in San Francisco and in Midcoast Maine.

Our class’s condolences to Sheila and their children Jared and Amanda.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s October 2024 issue, featuring a photo of scattered political campaign buttons.
The Latest Issue

October 2024

Exit interviews with alumni retiring from Congress; the Supreme Court’s seismic shift; higher education on the ballot