John Shepard Burr ’53


John died Oct. 18, 2007, in what his New York Times obituary termed “a senseless, tragic” automobile accident. He was killed when he and his wife, Deidre, were driving to a hospital in Claverack, N.Y., to await the birth of her daughter Meredith’s child. We appreciate Joe Bolster ’52 informing us that a car hit the Burrs from behind, their vehicle tumbled down an embankment, and Deidre was critically injured.

John personified ’53 leadership. He was AG chair for three years, head of the 45th reunion (during which Dick Ellwood said John was very effective, making more than 100 personal calls to classmates), and class president from 1983 to 1985. At Princeton he sang in the Glee Club, performed for Triangle, rowed 150-pound crew, and played rugby. As chair of Tiger Inn’s house committee, he partied with actress Linda Christian at one of TI’s renowned social functions. He roomed with fellow Hill School grads Bill Faber and Fred Schock, received a law degree from UVA, and earned a Ph.D. from NYU.

John’s niece, Elizabeth Burr ’86, said a memorial service for John would be held when Deidre, still suffering from head trauma, recovers. We send heartfelt sympathy to them and to John’s children, Laura, Sara, Oliver, and John; his brothers, Peter and David; and stepchildren Elliott and Meredith.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.