Jonathan P. Horner ’96


Jon died Dec. 15, 2019, after a brief and ferocious battle with cancer.

Jon prepared for Princeton at Exeter, where he was a prize-winning Greek and Latin scholar and varsity crew coxswain. A cherished friend to so many, his list of roommates across four Princeton suites would fill the allotted space here. Jon ate at Ivy, where he was a pool champion. He guided his boat of heavyweights to an NCAA title, quietly winning his own world championship in ergometry. Jon completed the Princeton-in-Asia program in Beijing, then graduated cum laude with a classics degree.

Jon earned a master’s degree in East Asian studies at Harvard, where he met his brilliant and beautiful wife-to-be, Anna Kaufmann ’97. He then pivoted to an 18-year career at Goldman Sachs, ascending to become a managing director in New York City, then becoming director of research at PointState Capital. Jon and Anna returned to Princeton to raise a son, Thomas; and a daughter, Caroline.

Jon was surrounded by friends and family during his brief illness, and he spent his final days reliving treasured memories with them. Jon is survived by his wife and children, his parents, and his brother. His Tiger friends are deeply grateful for the years they spent enjoying his wit, humor, and selfless companionship.

Paw in print

PAW's March 2025 cover, featuring the headling "Uncovering Cancer" and close-up of part of a DNA strand swirling like a tornado.
The Latest Issue

March 2025

Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.