Joseph Craig Graddy ’66
JOSEPH CRAIG GRADDY perished July 15, 1990, in a trekking accident along the Inca Trail in the Andes Mountains of Peru. He fell 300 feet to his death while photographing a panoramic view.
The outdoors were always important to Joe. He loved the mountains and the woods. As a youth growing up in California, he had hiked extensively in the Sierra Mountains and climbed Mt. Whitney. His love of nature's splendor took him to Vermont, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Canada for skiing and hiking.
Born in Santa Monica and raised in the Los Angeles area, Joe prepared for Princeton at the Harvard School in North Hollywood, Calif., where he captained the wrestling team. At Princeton, he was a member of the freshman fencing team and Terrace Club.
He withdrew from Princeton in 1964, studied at the Univ. of Copenhagen and received a degree in mechanical engineering from U.C.L.A. and an M.B.A. from the Univ. of Washington.
Joe never married. At the time of his death, he was employed by the Dept. of the Interior in the Bureau of Mineral Management. He owned a home on Bull Run Mountain in Haymarket, Va.
He is survived by his parents, Joseph and Jean Graddy who five in Pacific Palisades, Calif. His mother's words which echo the sentiments of the Class of 1966: "We miss Joe, but few people are fortunate enough to leave this earth doing something they love and enjoy."
The Class of 1966
Paw in print

March 2025
Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.
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