Leland S. Berger ’60
LEE BERGER died May 4, 1990, of injuries sustained when he jumped from a bridge into the Ausable Chasm. The suicide tragically ended Lee's courageous fiveyear battle against depression.
Born on Staten Island, N.Y., July 27, 1938, Lee graduated from Lawrenceville. He was a premed and a biology major at Princeton, and was a member of Terrace. An avid sailor, he also managed the swimming team.
Lee earned his M.D. from Yale in 1964 and interned at Grady Memorial in Atlanta, with a residency in diagnostic radiology at Hartford (Conn.) Hospital. Two years on the U.S. Public Health Service at Fort Defiance, Ariz., kindled his love of the outdoors, travel, amateur radio, and photography. Lee loved the North Country in N.Y. state and joined the Associates of Radiology in Plattsburgh in 1973. He raced his Ensign each year in the Mayor's Cup Regatta on Lake Champlain, winning five firsts since 1981 in the cruising class. He was also a radio enthusiast with more than 200 DX contacts worldwide. His quiet sense of humor, intelligence, generosity, and kindness will always be remembered.
Lee is survived by his widow, the former Eleanor Garrell (Vassar '64); his parents, Herbert and Sylvia; and a sister, Dr. Shelby BergerJacoby. The Class extends its deepest sympathy to all of them.
The Class of 1960
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March 2025
Screening for cancer with liquid biopsy; PetroTiger; Endowments targeted.
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