Michael K. Macklem *54


Michael died March 4, 2021, in Toronto.

Born in Toronto July 12, 1928, he studied English literature at Trinity College in the University of Toronto, graduating in 1950. He earned a Ph.D. in English from Princeton in 1954.

Initially Michael taught at Yale before returning to Canada as a writer for the new Encyclopedia Canadiana, a landmark publication for a country looking to tell its own story in its own voice. He was engaged in the early development of the Humanities Research Council of Canada. His books included Liberty and the Holy City: The Idea of Freedom in English History, followed by God Have Mercy: The Life of John Fisher of Rochester.

With his wife, Anne Hardy, Michael founded Oberon Press, devoted to giving Canadians books of their own. Encompassing works of fiction and nonfiction, Oberon published more than 700 titles, including Where to Eat in Canada, which sold almost 200,000 copies through 50 annual editions. 

In 2006 Michael was awarded the Order of Canada in recognition of his work with the press.

Michael is survived by his wife of more 70 years, Anne; sons Timothy and Nicholas; and three grandchildren.

Graduate alumni memorials are prepared by the APGA.

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The cover of PAW’s January 2025 issue, featuring an illustration of a Princeton locker room with jerseys, a basketball, a football helmet, a hockey stick, etc., and the headline: 25 Greatest Princeton Athletes, ranked.
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January 2025

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