Paco Axel Lagerstrom *42
PACO AXEL LAGERSTROM *42, professor emeritus of applied mathematics at Calif. Inst. of Technology, died Feb. 16, 1989, at Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena. He was 74 years old. Prof. Lagerstrom was born at Oskarshamm, Sweden and earned the Swedish equiV2lents of both bachelor's (1935) and master's (1939) degrees at the Univ. of Stockholm. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics at Princeton in 1942. He served as an instructor in mathematics at Princeton (19411944) and as a research engineer at Bell Aircraft, Niagara Falls, N.Y. (194445). He was appointed research associate at CalTech in 1947 and was named professor in 1952. He also worked briefly as research aerodynamicist for Douglas Aircraft and as consultant for T.R.W. Inc. In 1960 he was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship and in 196061 served as visiting professor of mathematics at the Univ. of Paris, France. His principal research interest lay in this field of aerodynamics of supersonic motion of aircraft and missiles. He was active in support of the fine arts, especially chamber music, in Southern Calif. through much of his adult life.
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