Richard Allyn Stirling ’40


Retired Y.M.C.A. executive Dick Stirling died on Apr. 1, 1989, at Duke Univ. Medical Center. Classmate Roger Hinds was an usher at a memorial service for Dick that was held in Montclair, NJ.

Dedicated service to youth and student organizations was the keynote of Dick's journey through life. After earning a master's degree at Yale, he joined the Y.M.CA. staff at the Univ. of Minnesota; he later worked at the Univ. of Missouri. He then became director of the U.S. Y.M.C.A. overseas programs and was its representative to the U.N. Dick closed out his career as special assistant to the secretary-general of the World Alliances of the Y.M.CA., in Geneva. His work provided him with the opportunity to travel throughout the world. He maintained an abiding interest in Y.M.C.A. sports and was active in church and community work.

Dick prepared at Manlius. At Princeton, he was awarded the Philo Sherman Bennett Prize in political science. He played 150-lb. football, was V.P. of Dial Lodge, and roomed with Jack Farrar during senior year. In WWlI, Dick was a battery commander in the Field Artillery and was awarded a Bronze Star.

Surviving are his widow Eileen and two sons, David A. and Jeffrey G., to all of whom the class sends its sympathy. Dick will be remembered as an individual who spent a lifetime trying to resolve some of the problems of the world and to improve the quality of life for others.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.