Robert Bruce Baldwin ’39


AFTER A lengthy illness Bruce died Oct. 23, 1989, at Lake Forest Hospital. He had lived in Lake Forest most of his life except when his advertising career took him briefly to N.Y. in 1963. He was successively a copywriter, copy supervisor and creative director at some of America's leading agencies, finally serving as vice-president and creative director of Compton Advertising in Chicago. When Compton left Chicago, Bruce left Compton, signing on with RR Street & Co. as director of marketing services until his retirement.

In the Army during WWII, Bruce, drafted as a private, emerged a major after service in Burma and China. Tennis and fox-hunting were his sports, amateur acting and history his avocations. He was a member of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, Society of the Cincinnati, former president of the Lake Forest Play Readers and former hunt master of the Mill Creek Hunt.

Bruce treasured his contacts with Princeton and after each major reunion always wrote that he couldn't wait for the next, particularly the 50th. In spite of his illness in 1989, he made it last June, accompanied by Tim Bradley, husband of his loving niece Nancy Bradley, his guardian the past year.

Bruce is survived by his son Robert, daughter Barbara Almquist, five grandchildren, two nieces Elizabeth Strong and Nancy Bradley and stepchildren Sterling, Karen, Lisa and Janet Cathey. To them all we extend our sincere sympathy.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.