Scott Roche ’94


Scott died of injuries suffered in a car accident on Jan. 10, 1998, as he was on his way to an afternoon of snowboarding. He was 24.

Having grown up in Wilton, Conn., Scott graduated from the Menlo School in Menlo Park, Calif. At Princeton, he majored in English, captained the nationally ranked varsity water polo team, and was a devoted member of Tiger Inn. After graduating, he worked for Cohane Rafferty Securities in NYC prior to opening the Seattle branch of the WebFactory. ln December, Scott proposed to Hannah Carolan ’95, whom he courted while at Princeton. His wit, charm, and generous heart captivated Hannah and his many friends. The team-nominated water polo award he received is a testament to his natural leadership. A born raconteur, he regaled friends and family with the irreverence of The Simpsons and felt equally comfortable discussing John Kennedy Toole, the subject of his thesis. Scott also embraced Seattle’s natural treasures, climbing Mt. Rainier, snowboarding, hiking, and camping.

Although the tragedy of his death is inexpressible, the blessings of his life are shared by many. Scott’s ability to cherish life in its simplicity was contagious. He is survived by his parents, Marilyn and D’Arcy; his fiancee, Hannah; brothers Sean, James, Matthew, and Stephan ’91; and a multitude of friends. Donations may be made to the Scott Roche Scholarship, P.O. Box 140, Princeton, NJ 08544.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.