Stephen Stanley Sechrist II ’39


After college Steve joined the Red Lion Cabinet Co., a family business that manufactured cabinets for the radio and TV industry. In 1979, the business changed from woodworking to Revco Corp., making metal automotive parts, and he was board chairman.  

Through the years Steve served on numerous boards in York, including the York Symphony Orchestra, the York Historical Society, and the York Country Day School. He was a past president of the York Council of Social Agencies and was actively involved in the York Literacy Council, teaching adults to read. His interests included gardening — flowers, shrubs, and trees — in York and at a house the family acquired in Grafton, Vt. A highlight since graduation was Steve’s 1977 trip with the Princeton Club of New York on the Orient Express.

Steve married Mary Louise Wilton in 1952. They had a son, Stephen S. III ’76, and daughters Mary and Hannah, both of whom attended Smith like their mother. Mary Louise died in 1994. To Steve’s children and two grandchildren, we extend our sympathy.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s January 2025 issue, featuring an illustration of a Princeton locker room with jerseys, a basketball, a football helmet, a hockey stick, etc., and the headline: 25 Greatest Princeton Athletes, ranked.
The Latest Issue

January 2025

The 25 Greatest Princeton Athletes