Thomas D. Truitt *59
Thomas D. Truitt, an engineer and software entrepreneur, died Feb. 7, 2009, at home. He was 79.
Truitt attended Swarthmore College, earned a bachelor’s degree at Texas A&M University, and received a master’s degree in electrical engineering from Princeton in 1959. He was a Naval aviator, director of advanced development for Electronic Associates Inc., president of Applied Logic Corp., and assistant chancellor of the New Jersey Department of Education.
He also owned the consulting business Laboratory for Data Analysis and the Desk Top Software Corp. With his business partner, he created the first database software for microcomputers.
After retirement, Truitt was active in alternatives to violence efforts and mediation programs. He was recognized as an outstanding community and mediation volunteer by the Federal Bureau of Prisons and received the Kent County (Md.) Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award.
Truitt was predeceased by his first wife, Anne. He is survived by his second wife of 25 years, Joanne; two daughters; four grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter.
Graduate memorials are prepared by the APGA.