Thomas Edward McCabe ’35
Tom, also known to us as “Mac,” Irish,” and “Killer,” died June 5, 2007, in Skillman, N.J.
A lifelong resident of New Jersey, Tom was born and raised in Jersey City. He came to Princeton from Dickinson High School after working for several years at Bell Labs. At Princeton he studied biology. His roommates were Jack Kelbaugh and Doug Goodman. A devoted alumnus, he served as 1935’s class treasurer for many years.
A longtime employee of Allied Chemical, he retired in 1975 after 30 years of service in the financial-management area. He also worked for William S. Gray & Co. and Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory.
Tom was active in St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts of America, and the Closter (N.J.) Board of Education. He represented Closter in the multi-town negotiations that led to the formation of Northern Valley Regional High School at Demarest. He enjoyed fishing and antiquing during his long retirement.
At the time of his death he was survived by his wife, Martha (who subsequently died in 2009); his children, Richard, Donald ’66, Colleen Rafferty, and Erin Cox; 13 grandchildren, including Thomas A. ’91; and eight great-grandchildren.