William J. Donnelly ’47


Bill died May 25, 2016, in Oak Park, Ill.

He entered Princeton in 1943 in the Navy V-12 Program, but did not graduate. In 1957, after medical school, Bill married Tesse Hartigan, and they raised a family of six children while living in Oak Park.

Bill’s first 30 years of practice found him working in hematology-oncology; then he worked nine years in ethics, medical humanities, and general medical education.

Very active in his church, Bill founded the St. Giles Family Mass Community, which became his overriding passion during retirement.

The class sends its admiration and condolences to Tesse, their children and spouses, and many grandchildren.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.