William V. Cook ’34


BILL COOK died Apr. 21, 1994, in Bradenton, Fla., where he had lived for the past 11 years. He was a former executive v.p. of Rite Way, a small dairy­ farm equipment manufacturer in Chicago, and was later an insurance executive in Longmeadow, Mass.

During WWII, he worked with the War Produc­tion Board, with the Office of Price Adm., and with the Dept. of Agriculture. He had a strong affilia­tion with the Episcopal Church and was also an avid golfer. Describing how he and Flop Follansbee, another Bradenton resident, played the game, he reported, "We take quite a few swings, but have a darn good time."

Bill's first wife, Alice (Lish) Cole Ford, died in 1982. They had been married for 50 years. His second wife, Betty Kelsey, an old friend, died in 1988. Surviving are his widow, Marian; two daughters, Constence Anderson (who is believed to be '34's oldest off­spring) and Virginia Gray; a son, William V. Jr.; a sister, Ruth Wood; a brother, Frederick; eight grand­children; and three great-grandchildren. To them, we offer our sincere sympathies.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.