An Athlete’s Guide to Agents, Fifth Edition

(Jones & Barlett Publishers)

This book is designed to prepare athletes and their families to screen, select, and work with an agent. The author teaches families about the importance of sports agents and allows athletes and their families to be active participants instead of handing all power away to a sports agent upon signing a contract. The book examines agent services and fees; financial management; insurance; endorsements; replacing an agent; renegotiating and holding out; and NCAA regulations. Ruxin is managing director and general counsel of Kazmaier Associates, Inc., a Concord, Mass. firm that invests in, manages, and consults for sports marketing and sports product manufacturing and marketing businesses. He also has served as a managing director of NCAA International from 1992 to 1998.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s February 2025 issue, featuring a photo of Frank Stella leaning back with his hands behind his head.